
A Day of Music

March 24th, 2013

Today, I worked for a couple of hours at the solo and ensemble music contests at our high school.  Listening to the music and observing the flurry of activity and excitement among the students took me back to the days that I was involved in these same contests.  The good feelings lasted throughout the day and I cannot wait to attend next year and listen to even more performances from our amazing, talented students!  By the way, my son’s men’s group got a I rating for their rendition of “What do you do with a Drunken Sailer.”  They were wonderful and it was so fun to watch!

Getting Healthy

March 19th, 2013

I recently celebrated my 46th birthday, and for the first time since I can remember, I am starting to feel good.  Let me explain…


I have lived with chronic pain for many, many years.  I was diagnosed with cancer – Hodgkins Lymphoma – almost 17 years ago.  After radiation and chemo, I just figured that my body would never be the same and living with pain was something I was just going to have to deal with.  But looking back, I don’t ever really remember a time when I have not experienced, in my opinion, an abnormal amount of day-to-day pain.  I was constantly plagued with headaches, backaches, general body aches, etc.


Several months ago, I had my hormones tested.  I discovered that my hormones were severely imbalanced.  Cortisol, the hormone that helps us deal with stress, was almost non-existent.  I am sure that these imbalances became worse gradually over time.  They were not helped in any way by my cancer treatment, but they were also affected by a combination of things, including diet, exercise, and also my type A personality, which makes me a perfectionist and perhaps do not always deal with stress as I should.  The official diagnosis of this is called adrenal fatigue.


So, I began taking multiple supplements throughout the day to start countering the effects of my hormone imbalance.  I addition, I had my hair analyzed for toxins and found that my system had many metals (this is not normal) in it.  So, in addition to the supplements I am taking, I added even more supplements to counter these effects.


In the last month, I have added yoga to my routine 3 times/week.  Studies have showed that this tends to be the best  exercise choice for those suffering with adrenal fatigue.


So, the process of getting well has been time-consuming and expensive.  But, I can finally say that there are days when I am not experiencing pain.  I sat at a track meet this last Saturday for 3 hours and wasn’t crippled when getting up to walk afterwards.  My sleep patterns are getting better.  Even though I haven’t lost weight, I feel “lighter” and overall happier.  And as my husband recently said, “If you don’t have your health, then what do you have?”


Being as sick as I was took a long time.  And recovery will take a long time.  But seeing these little changes already has me so excited to see what my future will bring.  The goal is not to stay on all of these supplements forever.  I will need to continue to get tested every few months in the future, but I am so excited now to see what the future holds!


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      107 E. Overmeyer Drive - Algona - IA - 50511      515-295-6128