

December 2nd, 2021

It’s December 1st. Is it too late to express my thanks?

I am no different that anyone else. We have all experienced stress, anxiety and trauma in the last couple of years. Recent occurrences have brought me back to a habit I had forgotten to implement in quite a while – embracing my gratitude.

I had this beautiful journal that I purchased several months ago and was just sitting on my desk. It was begging to be used.

I have found that journaling the things that I am thankful for each morning sets an intention for my day. I am grateful for hope in the future. I am thankful for my family, my husband and my children. I rejoice when I hear the jingle of our dog, Riley’s, collar or hear her crunching her food. I am thankful for my body that can move and also for my health. Many things that I am thankful for may be unexpected – beautiful shapes, colors, and textures, the smell of seasonal candles, the feeling of warmth in my home when I get up in the morning, the artistic gifts that God has provided for me….

When I consciously thank God for all of these things and so much more, I am reminded over and over of my blessings throughout the day as I live my life.

Sometimes I forget in the morning, I figure better late than never and take a few moments to journal. But if I make the effort in the morning, I find my day just goes much better for some reason.

I also give thanks for all of you who are reading this. I am thankful that you are somehow involved in my little artistic world!

Thank you! Have a wonderful holiday season!

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      107 E. Overmeyer Drive - Algona - IA - 50511      515-295-6128