

January 1st, 2015

…  And the ball descended.  “10, 9, 8, 7, 6….”  My kids and I were watching Dick Clark’s Rockin’ New Years Eve (Is it still called that?) on t.v. at the home of friends last night while my husband was on call at Kossuth Regional Health Center.  “5, 4, 3, 2…”  I found that my heart jumped just a little.  “1!  Happy New Year!”  And the number lit up “2015.”


There really is an impact of seeing a new year written for the first time.  It means fresh, new start.  Even though every day is a new day with new chances, there is something about a new year…   2015,  I have been saying that our son graduates in 2015 forever.  Now the year is here.  In five months we will watch him in his cap and gown.  2015, this marks my 30 year high school reunion.  2015, I will turn 48 and my husband will turn 49 this year – the big 5-0 is around the corner.


My goals for this year?  I have been thinking about that all day.  For one thing, I plan on getting some sort of exercise every day and challenging myself on the days I have a few more minutes to spare.    Little things done each day can produce big results over time.  I have had some issues this year which prevented me from always moving like I would like to.  This changes this year.  (I actually started to implement this in December, so it shouldn’t be a huge shock.)


Overall, I am quite happy with my business.  I cut back on my number of sessions this last year.  I may have to cut back even a little more, if I want to completely enjoy my home life and time with my family, as I would like.


I have several little cleaning projects I wish to implement before graduation in May.  And I really do mean little.  It won’t take a lot to get these things done.  Once again, I just need to do a little each day to produce big results by May.


I am going to continue to work on my prints for competition. I am halfway to getting my Master’s degree with PPA – I’m not giving up now!


2015 will be an exciting year!  Here we go!


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      107 E. Overmeyer Drive - Algona - IA - 50511      515-295-6128