I have spent the last couple of weeks reading the book “Choose Joy” by Sara Frankl and Mary Carver. Sara was from our town of Algona, IA. Sara suffered from a rare autoimmune disease which caused her severe physical pain. Eventually, she was completely home-bound and passed away at the age of 38. I have been reading this book slowly, one chapter at a time and really digesting what Sara had to share. I have also been taking the time to write down 3 things which have brought me joy at the end of each day, or a gratitude journal. The last few days, I have not felt very well – most likely coming down with some sort of virus. I have found it harder throughout the day and at the end of the day to find something to be joyful about when my body is causing me physical pain. I am struck right now, even more than before, how incredible Sara was to choose joy when her body was causing her severe, searing, take-your-breath-away pain. The overall body aches I am currently experiencing are nothing compared to Sara’s pain. As I read last night, the part that really struck me was how Sara said that the operative word in “choose joy” was not joy, it was choose. My hope by the end of reading this book, is to come to further peace about the future, to put my complete trust in God’s infinite wisdom, to realize that my ability to try to control my own life is an illusion – God controls all. As I literally ache today, I praise God for Sara’s insight and wisdom.
Choose JoyFebruary 2nd, 2016 |
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107 E. Overmeyer Drive - Algona - IA - 50511